February 6, 2025 - Big Lakes Developmental Center, Inc. and the Big Lakes Foundation, Inc. announced today the upcoming retirement of President & CEO, Lori Feldkamp, which will occur June 1, 2025. Ms. Feldkamp will have served over 30 years with Big Lakes. She was hired in 1994 as the Personnel Director before being promoted to Vice President Administration & Finance in 1996. The Board of Directors hired Ms. Feldkamp as the President & CEO of Big Lakes in 2004.

Ms. Feldkamp has also been very active at the State and National levels, serving as Board President of InterHab (state IDD provider association) from 2014-2017, as an Accreditation Surveyor for the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) for 15 years, and currently represents the state of Kansas on the ANCOR (national IDD provider association) Board of Representatives.
A Legacy of Leadership
Tom Brungardt, Big Lakes Developmental Center, Inc. Board Chairperson said that Big Lakes has been very fortunate to have strong and stable leadership over the past 52 years. Since 1978, only two individuals have served as CEO, Jim Shaver and Lori Feldkamp. Under Ms. Feldkamp’s leadership, Big Lakes has experienced tremendous growth in the number of people served and housing options offered in residential services. Providing affordable housing and accessible facilities have been important priorities for Ms. Feldkamp in carrying out Big Lakes mission to deliver quality services that promote choice, independence and inclusion for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
M. Jeff Oliphant, Big Lakes Foundation, Inc. Board Chairperson said that Ms. Feldkamp has been an outstanding fundraiser for the Foundation. Her vision for expanding the role of the Foundation to not only fundraise and provide resources for affordable and accessible housing, but to provide continual operational support has been essential to the growth of services and for the financial survival of the organization during the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of her hard work, the Foundation will continue to support Big Lakes operations for years to come.
CEO Search Committee
To ensure a successful transition, a search committee representing both boards has been appointed to conduct a search for Feldkamp’s successor. The goal is to have a new CEO in place by May 2025 to allow for a transition period. Big Lakes provides supports and services to over 200 individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Riley, Geary, Pottawatomie and Clay counties. Services include employment services, day activities, retirement services, residential supports, case management, health services, and transportation services.